The student “Mohamed Mansour Milad” defended his master’s thesis at the كلية الصيدلة in Tripoli University on Wednesday, 7/17/2019. The thesis focused on pharmacy education and practice in Libya and was completed under the supervision of Professor Amal Ben Kourah. The internal examiner was Professor Mustafa Al-Targei, a Faculty Member at the Faculty of Pharmacy – Tripoli University, while the external examiner was Professor Mustafa El-Fakhri, Vice-President of Graduate Studies and Research at the Libyan International Medical University who examined the student through Skype from the headquarters of the Libyan International Medical University in Benghazi. The defense was attended by Dr. Salma Bukhatwa, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Libyan International Medical University, Dr. Samir Saqer, Director of Health Care Planning Center and Dr. Mohamed Al-Gerew, Director of Quality Management at University of Tripoli as well as other elite faculty members at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Tripoli University.
Congratulations to the new graduate and hopes for further progress.