Faculty of Pharmacy Learning Process Remote Evaluation

Faculty of Pharmacy Learning Process Remote Evaluation

The Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy continues to evaluate the faculty\’s educational process in accordance with the faculty\’s approved quality assurance plan for the academic year 2020/2019.

The evaluation of the learning process is carried out in accordance with the kidney-certified models.

Note that the evaluation process is done electronically using qualtrix program where each student, faculty member, teaching supervisor, laboratory technician, and stage coordinator evaluates the educational process through an electronic link he receives on his e-mail. The results are then analyzed using Qualtrix and the faculty\’s Quality Assurance Office, the results of the evaluation of each learning unit or test in a separate final report to be presented and discussed in the faculty Board, to take all the required corrective measures and then adopt the report before referring it to the university\’s quality assurance office.

It should be noted that the Quality Assurance Office of the faculty also plays an important role in the follow-up of the sub-committees within the accreditation steering committee, which is mandated by University President to work on the criteria of international accreditation of the Dr. Pharmacy program.

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