[ Faculty Of Pharmacy ]


Waste management

You will work with different materials and at the end of your work you need to properly dispose them in a suitable container and can. The following are the most important notes on waste disposal:

  • Listen carefully to the instruction on how to dispose a specific material that you will use in the lab.

  • Familiarize yourself with the waste container location.

  • You need to know the label of waste container to be able to dispose the materials in the right way. See Table 2 (Appendix II) where hazards materials are illustrated with their specific waste containers.

  • Only pure water can go down the sink.

  • Never mix wastes as may result in serious harm.

  • If you found the waste container overfull, ask the instructor to provide a new one.

  • Before glassware disposal in waste container, rinse them with water.

  • If you are not sure on how to dispose something, ask your supervisor.

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